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Ryan Coogler Nearly Quit Movie Business After Chadwick Boseman Died
โดย : Penni   เมื่อวันที่ : ศุกร์ ที่ 4 เดือน สิงหาคม พ.ศ.2566   

<p class="mol-para-with-font">Black Panther director Ryan Coogler was ready to 'walk away from the business' entirely after the tragic death of his star and friend Chadwick Boseman, at age 43, in 2020.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">'It was at a point when I was like, "I'm walking away from this business,"' the 36-year-old Oscar-nominated producer admitted to <a style="font-weight: bold;" class="class" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" website </a>on Monday.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">'I didn't know if I could make another movie period, [let alone] another Black Panther movie, because it hurt a lot. I was like, "Man, how could I open myself up to feeling like this again?"'</p><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-a6bf2e538f9d3ca6" src="" website height="425" width="634" alt="'It was at a point when I was like, &quot;I'm walking away from this business&quot;': Black Panther director Ryan Coogler (L) was ready to quit after the tragic death of his star and friend Chadwick Boseman (R), at age 43, in 2020" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-a6bf2e538f9d3ca6" website height="425" width="634" alt="'It was at a point when I was like, &quot;I'm walking away from this business&quot;': Black Panther director Ryan Coogler (L) was ready to quit after the tragic death of his star and friend Chadwick Boseman (R), at age 43, in 2020" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">'It was at a point when I was like, "I'm walking away from this business"': Black Panther director Ryan <a href="https://openclipart.org/search/?query=Coogler">Coogler</a> (L) was ready to quit after the tragic death of his star and friend Chadwick Boseman (R), at age 43, in 2020</p></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-2e1c88f16a891712" src="" website height="506" width="634" alt="The 36-year-old Oscar-nominated producer (pictured September 10) admitted to EW on Monday: 'I didn't know if I could make another movie period, [let alone] another Black Panther movie, because it hurt a lot. I was like, &quot;Man, how could I open myself up to feeling like this again?&quot;'" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-2e1c88f16a891712" website height="506" width="634" alt="The 36-year-old Oscar-nominated producer (pictured September 10) admitted to EW on Monday: 'I didn't know if I could make another movie period, [let alone] another Black Panther movie, because it hurt a lot. I was like, &quot;Man, how could I open myself up to feeling like this again?&quot;'" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">The 36-year-old Oscar-nominated producer (pictured September 10) admitted to EW on Monday: 'I didn't know if I could make another movie period, [let alone] another Black Panther movie, because it hurt a lot. I was like, "Man, how could I open myself up to feeling like this again?"'</p></div><p class="mol-para-with-font">The South Carolina native never told Ryan nor Marvel Studios executives about his secret four-year battle with stage III colon cancer.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">'I was poring over a lot of our conversations that we had, towards what I realized was the end of his life,' Coogler recalled.</p><div><div data-track-module="am-related_carousel^related_carousel" data-track-selector=".rotator-panels a:not([class*=external])" data-dm-rotator-rotate="false" data-track-pos="static" data-preferred-shared-network-enabled="" data-dm-rotator-auto-init="" id="p-20" class="related-carousel with-fb-or-tw tvshowbiz half" data-dm-rotator-active-class="active" data-dm-rotator-page-count="1.0" data-dm-social-article-auto-init="" data-dm-rotator-page-size="1"> <div class="rotator bdrcc"> <div class="rotator-title"> <h2>RELATED ARTICLES</h2> <ul class="rotator-pages link-xocc"> <li class="rotator-prev"><a href="#" data-page="prev">Previous</a></li> <li><a href="#" data-page="1">1</a></li> <li class="rotator-next"><a href="#" data-page="next">Next</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="rotator-panels link-bogr1 linkro-ccox"> <li> <a href="/tvshowbiz/article-11277799/Winston-Duke-opens-Chadwick-Bosemans-death-affected-Black-Panther-2-set.html"> <img website width="62" height="60" /> <span>Winston Duke opens up about how Chadwick Boseman's death...</span> </a> <a href="/tvshowbiz/article-11263871/Lupita-Nyongo-Danai-Gurira-Letitia-Wright-tribute-Chadwick-Boseman-new-Black-Panther.html"> <img website width="62" height="60" /> <span>'I'm praying that this film helps all the people who have...</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <br><br><br><b> <div class="fb"></b><br><h2>Share this article</h2><br><div class="share"><span class="wai">Share</span></div><br></div><br><br></div> </div><p class="mol-para-with-font">'I decided that it made more sense to keep going.'</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">The new trailer for Wakanda Forever _ hitting US/UK theaters November 11 _ appeared to confirm that King T'Challa's sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) will become the new Black Panther.</p><div class="moduleFull mol-video"><div><div itemprop="video" itemscope="itemscope" website content="Black Panther is remembered in Wakanda Forever trailer" itemprop="name" /><meta content="PT02M10S" itemprop="duration" /><meta website itemprop="thumbnailUrl" /><meta website itemprop="contentURL" /><meta content="2022-10-03T15:51:58+0100" itemprop="uploadDate" /><meta content="576" itemprop="height" /><meta content="1024" itemprop="width" /><meta content="Black Panther: Wakanda Forever trailer pays tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman. The film is set to hit theaters November 11th and stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, and Angela Bassett." itemprop="description" /><div class="item"> <div class="vjs-video-container vjs-fixed vjs-span-two-col tvshowbiz" id="v-5503131568033056987"> <video controls="" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" website Panther is remembered in Wakanda Forever website Panther: Wakanda Forever trailer pays tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman. The film is set to hit theaters November 11th and stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, and Angela Bassett.website preload="none"> <source website type="video/mp4"></source> </video> </div> </div> </div></div></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-38f857d28398663a" src="" website height="913" width="634" alt="RIP: The South Carolina native (pictured in 2020) never told Ryan nor Marvel Studios executives about his secret four-year battle with stage III colon cancer" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-38f857d28398663a" website height="913" width="634" alt="RIP: The South Carolina native (pictured in 2020) never told Ryan nor Marvel Studios executives about his secret four-year battle with stage III colon cancer" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">RIP: The South Carolina native (pictured in 2020) never told Ryan nor Marvel Studios executives about his secret four-year battle with stage III colon cancer</p></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-d88c275f1d6dd14b" src="" website height="925" width="634" alt="Coogler (pictured in 2018) recalled: 'I was poring over a lot of our conversations that we had, towards what I realized was the end of his life. I decided that it made more sense to keep going'" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-d88c275f1d6dd14b" website height="925" width="634" alt="Coogler (pictured in 2018) recalled: 'I was poring over a lot of our conversations that we had, towards what I realized was the end of his life. I decided that it made more sense to keep going'" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">Coogler (pictured in 2018) recalled: 'I was poring over a lot of our conversations that we had, towards what I realized was the end of his life. I decided that it made more sense to keep going'</p></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-751711ddcabd476e" src="" website height="581" width="634" alt="Hitting US/UK theaters November 11! The new trailer for Wakanda Forever appeared to confirm that King T'Challa's sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) will become the new Black Panther" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-751711ddcabd476e" website height="581" width="634" alt="Hitting US/UK theaters November 11! The new trailer for Wakanda Forever appeared to confirm that King T'Challa's sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) will become the new Black Panther" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">Hitting US/UK theaters November 11! The new trailer for Wakanda Forever appeared to confirm that King T'Challa's sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) will become the new Black Panther </p></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-a5b463fe7b6d3c02" src="" website height="462" width="634" alt="The Guyanese 28-year-old (R) told EW: 'I always carried [Chadwick] in every scene. I always would ask, &quot;Bro, what do you think?&quot; and just try to keep a spiritual connection. He meant everything to me, and he's the reason why I'm here. He picked me to be his sister, so I couldn't have done this journey without him'" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-a5b463fe7b6d3c02" website height="462" width="634" alt="The Guyanese 28-year-old (R) told EW: 'I always carried [Chadwick] in every scene. I always would ask, &quot;Bro, what do you think?&quot; and just try to keep a spiritual connection. He meant everything to me, and he's the reason why I'm here. He picked me to be his sister, so I couldn't have done this journey without him'" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">The Guyanese 28-year-old (R) told EW: 'I always carried [Chadwick] in every scene. I always would ask, "Bro, what do you think?" and <a href=http://z.go-kinogo.com>______</a> just try to keep a spiritual connection. He meant everything to me, and he's the reason why I'm here. He picked me to be his sister, so I couldn't have done this journey without him'</p></div><p class="mol-para-with-font">'I always carried [Chadwick] in every scene,' the Guyanese 28-year-old told EW.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">'I always would ask, "Bro, what do you think?" and just try to keep a spiritual connection. He meant everything to me, and he's the reason why I'm here. He picked me to be his sister, so I couldn't have done this journey without him.'</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">The Oakland-born filmmaker's two-hour and 41-minute sequel also features Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Dominique Thorne, Florence Kasumba, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, and Angela Bassett.</p><img src="https://farm8.static.flickr.com/7575/27125973924_5fe57aa954.jpg" style="max-width:410px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;"><div class="moduleFull mol-video"><div><div itemprop="video" itemscope="itemscope" website content="Chadwick Boseman voices T'Challa in the trailer for What If...?" itemprop="name" /><meta content="PT02M19S" itemprop="duration" /><meta website itemprop="thumbnailUrl" /><meta website itemprop="contentURL" /><meta content="2021-07-08T17:56:05+0100" itemprop="uploadDate" /><meta content="576" itemprop="height" /><meta content="1024" itemprop="width" /><meta content="Chadwick Boseman delivers his final Marvel performance in the trailer for 'What If...?'. The series also stars Jeffrey Wright, Josh Brolin, Hayley Atwell, Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan and Michael B. Jordan." itemprop="description" /><div class="item"> <div class="vjs-video-container vjs-fixed vjs-span-two-col tvshowbiz" id="v-4315993505093432302"> <video controls="" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" website Boseman voices T'Challa in the trailer for What If...website Boseman delivers his final Marvel performance in the trailer for 'What If...?'. The series also stars Jeffrey Wright, Josh Brolin, Hayley Atwell, Chris Hemsworth, Sebastian Stan and Michael B. Jordan.website preload="none"> <source website type="video/mp4"></source> </video> </div> </div> </div></div></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-4b3c0df8e185ac17" src="" website height="926" width="634" alt="'One question changes everything': Chadwick's final acting role was voicing T'Challa in Marvel's 10-episode animated spin-off What If...? in which his character became the new Star-Lord (previously played by Chris Pratt)" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-4b3c0df8e185ac17" website height="926" width="634" alt="'One question changes everything': Chadwick's final acting role was voicing T'Challa in Marvel's 10-episode animated spin-off What If...? in which his character became the new Star-Lord (previously played by Chris Pratt)" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">'One question changes everything': Chadwick's final acting role was voicing T'Challa in Marvel's 10-episode animated spin-off What If...? in which his character became the new Star-Lord (previously played by Chris Pratt)</p></div><div class="artSplitter mol-img-group" style="style"> <div class="mol-img"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img id="i-48c2b620de4be7f3" src="" website height="1165" width="634" alt="'He put every part of himself into every role he ever took on': On September 4, Boseman won the posthumous Creative Arts Emmy Award for outstanding character voice-over performance for his work in What If...?" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" /> </div> <noscript> <img id="i-48c2b620de4be7f3" website height="1165" width="634" alt="'He put every part of himself into every role he ever took on': On September 4, Boseman won the posthumous Creative Arts Emmy Award for outstanding character voice-over performance for his work in What If...?" class="blkBorder img-share" /> </noscript> </div> <p class="imageCaption">'He put every part of himself into every role he ever took on': On September 4, Boseman won the posthumous Creative Arts Emmy Award for outstanding character voice-over performance for his work in What If...?</p></div><p class="mol-para-with-font">Ryan's original film Black Panther amassed $1.348B at the global box office in 2018, and it went on to make history as the first comic book movie to score a best picture nomination at the Academy Awards.</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">Chadwick's final acting role was voicing T'Challa in Marvel's 10-episode animated spin-off What If...?, in which his character became the new Star-Lord (previously played by Chris Pratt).</p><p class="mol-para-with-font">On September 4, Boseman <a style="font-weight: bold;" class="class" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" website </a>the posthumous Creative Arts Emmy Award for outstanding character voice-over performance for his work in What If...?</p></div><br><!-- ad: website --><br><br><strong><u> <div id="external-source-links" class="item"</u></strong><br>data-track-module="am-external-links^external-links"><br><span>Read more:</span><br><ul><br><li><a class="js-tl" website target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener">Inside Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the year's most anticipated superhero sequel | EW.com</a></li><br><li><a class="js-tl" website target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener">Instagram - chadwickboseman Verified He put every part of himself into every role he ever took on. It was a true honor for Chad to receive a posthumous Creative Arts #Emmys Award</a></li><br></ul><br></div><br><script type="text/javascript"><br>DM.later('bundle', function()<br><u> DM.has('external-source-links', 'externalLinkTracker');</u><br>);<br></script>

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