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Jessica Falkholt's family issues a heartbreaking plea to... <br><br><br><br><b>Share this article</b><br><br>Share<br><br><br>'I was dismayed that he actually held a driving license at the time of this tragedy,' Professor Haber said. <br><br><u>'He shouldn't have had his license and he shouldn't have been driving.' </u><br><br>The inquest heard  Whitall's provisionary license could have been suspended two months beforehand on October 23, when he was caught speeding.<br><br><br><br><br>Craig Whitall (pictured) had methadone, a small amount of methylamphetamine and some cannabis in his system<br><br>He should have lost four demerit points, which is more than his P1 provision license would allow, and received a driving suspension for three months.<br><br>After collecting a total of six demerit points between October and December, he managed to progress to his P2 license because the process of applying demerit points to motorists is so slow.<br><br>Revenue NSW did not know about the speeding offence until January 18, 2018 - the day after Jessica Falkholt died in hospital - and notified Transport NSW.<br><br><u><strong>The transport body then pursued the matter and did not know Whitall was dead.</strong></u><br><br><br><br><br><strong>Pictured: Emergency workers at the scene when Whitall smashed in to the Falkholt's car</strong><br><br><br><br><br><br><b>The death of the Falkholts shook Australia the day after Christmas in 2017 (funeral pictured)</b><br><br><br><br><br><br><strong><u>Pictured: The burnt and shredded vehicles after the Boxing Day crash that killed five people</u></strong><br><br>Counsel assisting the coroner said there was no guarantee Whitall would have followed any driving bans placed on him because he had a history of driving without a license. <br><br>Day one of the inquest on Wednesday revealed the crash happened at such high speeds that they were pushed up to the air and momentarily formed a triangle.<br><br>Donna Ward, the counsel assisting the coroner, said Whitall was a long-time methadone program patient who had an array of medical issues and a terrible driving record going back to 1984. <br><br>Coroner Teresa O'Sullivan is being asked to consider the effect a cocktail of prescription drugs had on the driving ability of Mr Whitall, who also died in the crash.<br><br><br><br><br>Pictured: Mourners at the funeral for Jessica Falkholt at St Marys Catholic Church in Concord, Sydney on 22 January 2018<br><br><br><br><br><br>The inquest will also examine how he was prescribed such substances. Pictured: Jessica Falkholt's funeral<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><b>The inquest will also examine how he was prescribed such substances.</b><br><br>As well as methadone, a small amount of methylamphetamine and some marijuana, post-mortem toxicology showed the Ulladulla man had consumed a 'markedly high' level of an anti-depressant called doxepin or Deptran.<br><br><b>His blood also had a series of benzodiazepines, including diazepam, better known as Valium.</b><br><br>At the time of the crash, Mr Whitall was driving home from Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital, where he was prescribed four 5mg tablets of diazepam.<br><br>Ms Hall said it seemed likely Mr Whitall took more than one of the tablets and then set out to drive 60km to his home.<br><br><u><b>The inquest continues.  </b></u><br><br><br>Read more: <br><br>website Home and Away star would still be alive if bureaucracy did its job<br><br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/vistaImpresion.asp?id_trabajo=5716<br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/trabajo.asp?id_trabajo=5715<br>https://www.ivoox.com/en/podcast-buy-valium-online-5mg-buy-valium-online_sq_f12073673_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/where-can-i-buy-valium-valium-cheap-audios-mp3_rf_112010960_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/buy-valium-pills-online-overnight-fast-delivery-audios-mp3_rf_111976534_1.html<br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/trabajo.asp?id_trabajo=5713<br>https://www.ivoox.com/en/order-valium-online-a-guide-to-finding-audios-mp3_rf_111978814_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/buy-valium-online-5mg-buy-valium-online-audios-mp3_rf_112010795_1.html<br>https://www.ivoox.com/en/podcast-order-valium-online-a-guide-to-finding-the_sq_f12073140_1.html<br>http://www.conganat.org/9congreso/trabajo.asp?id_trabajo=5711<br><br>consider installing a water softener. 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