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Why Social Networks Are Particularly Popular In India?
โดย : Mariano   เมื่อวันที่ : อาทิตย์ ที่ 9 เดือน กรกฏาคม พ.ศ.2566   

<div class="micro-share"><div id="top_ads" class="print cpc-track"></div> <p> A rapid increase in mobile phone penetration in emerging economies like India, coupled with an escalation of low-cost handsets, are accountable for propelling the growth of Indian social networking sites.<br>India now has the second largest number of internet users in the world, racing past countries like China &#38; Germany. </p><img src="https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2825/9089175281_9023c112ee.jpg" style="max-width:420px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;"><p> Top social networking sites, like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook among others, had previously reported about their tremendous growth in India, and how their daily users shot up after the arrival of Jio in the mobile network market.<br><br>Whatsapp, which was acquired by Facebook in early 2014, reported more than 200 mn daily active users in India. And the numbers are rising at an exponential rate. </p><p> Social networking sites have become the new talk of the town, and we can&#39;t imagine our lives without it.<br><br>And not just as a unit of communication, it has also become a popular notion to promote products, music events, or give out one&#39;s opinion about something. But why social sites have become the new darling of the internet and why people are constantly chasing it?<br><br></p><p> <strong>Provides an Opportunity to Meet New People-</strong> </p><p> India is very much a closed society. This may not be particularly noticeable in the prominent Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai, but it is very much true for Tier 2 and 3 cities, and obviously rural areas.<br>Internet penetration has improved noticeably throughout India. Almost every household has at least one Smartphone. To meet new people, all you need is a smartphone device, and an internet service provider to communicate with someone sitting outside India. Before the advent of top social networking sites, the chat room was the only medium for communication, where you had to sit before your laptop for hours to get your message across.<br><br>And we all know how that was disrupted by Facebook. </p><p> LinkedIn made it easy for people to connect with like-minded individuals and empowered <a href="https://www.britannica.com/search?query=companies">companies</a> to look for the most desirable candidate through it. Social media brought people together, irrespective of distance!<br></p><p> <strong>Social Media Sites Are User-Friendly-</strong> </p><p> Social networking sites are user-friendly and host a number of attractive things which makes them a calm and vibrant place for a user to be at. These sites don&#39;t require any hard-core IT knowledge and therefore can be navigated by the young teens as well.<br><br>It also presents a better way to communicate with people, than the traditional methods, whilst giving them an environment of safety. The mobile versions are filled with vibrant colors which pose joyous vibes, thus, making these social networking sites even more user-friendly.<br></p><p> <strong>Gives an Opportunity to Make a Mark-</strong> </p><p> Perhaps the most important thing which is giving a push to the Indian social networking sites. The internet gives an opportunity to make a mark and build a unique identity in front of millions of people.<br><br>Often addressed as influencers, these people are shaping the whole internet. Anyone can be an influencer if s/he sticks to their niche and concentrates on giving good content to the people. Not just this but it also gives an opportunity to earn through their passion. </p><p> Top social networking sites like YouTube, Instagram etc are giving a platform to people to showcase their talent and become a popular notion among masses.<br><br></p><p> <strong>They Are Free To Use-</strong> </p><p> This is one of the most important factors of why social networking sites have become a popular notion among India masses. Most of the top social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Google + are free, which has made them open to everybody.<br>Don&#39;t stress over on how they manage their operations despite being free as most of their revenue comes from advertising. The popular saying of &#39;nothing comes free&#39; ended with the advent of India social networking sites. </p><p> <strong>A Popular Platform to Vent All Out-</strong> </p><p> Now you can vent all your frustration related to politics, job, or anything through the internet.<br><br>Internet gave people the power to be anonymous and present their beliefs to the world. The genesis for creating this platform is to give a place where people feel free to vent their frustrations on numerous norms without the fear of getting judged. So, if you&#39;re frustrated with office bickering, current political scenario or any other thing then the internet is the perfect place for you.<br><br></p><p> There are a number of <a href="https://drberita.com/buy-threads-likes/">Buy Threads Likes</a> on Reddit or anonymous profiles on Quora where you can vent your inhibitions without fearing anyone. </p><p> <strong>A Chance to Join a Group of Your Interest-</strong> </p><p> Nothing feels good than talking to someone who respects your opinion or shares a similar mindset.<br>And the internet has given a perfect platform to find and join a similar group. Whether someone wants to talk about science, the latest movie theory, or why Jon Snow knows nothing, they can do it all on the internet. You can also make your own community on these social networking sites and share your thoughts and views with the world out there.<br><br></p><p> Websites like Quora has made it easy for people to ask questions with a connoisseur of that topic, and resolve all the problems. </p><p> <strong>It Helps Business to Reach Out-</strong> </p><div class="aleftside" style="height: 350px"><div id="rc-widget-abc073" data-rc-widget data-widget-host="habitat" data-endpoint="//trends.revcontent.com" data-widget-id="275323"></div></div><p> Another key aspect that propelled the internet revolution in India is that it enables businesses to reach out to more people at a fraction of cost.<br><br>Indian social networking sites have completely changed the whole landscape of the marketing in India and now more and more businesses are jumping on the bandwagon to promote their products through social media sites. Social media sites have developed a target based advertising model which helps a business to reach potential customers.<br></p><p> Top social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram etc access the data given by the users and help business to properly target them. </p><p> The internet has opened the floodgates around the world for better communication and is breaking all the boundaries.<br><br>Many Indian social networking sites have enabled people the rights which they were ridden of in the past. And that&#39;s why these social networking sites are becoming this popular in India. </p></div><div class="big_spacer"></div><div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div><div class="big_spacer"></div><div class="big_spacer hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div><footer><div class="author-signature"> <a website </a>is a friendly and inclusive network to share your opinion and frustrations anonymously.<br><br>Easy way to get rewarded & share your moments.<div class="spacer"></div></div><div class="big_spacer"></div><div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div><div class="big_spacer"></div><div id="rcjsload_298017"></div><script type="text/javascript"> (function() var referer="";try""==referer)throw"undefined"catch(exception)"undefined"==typeof referer)&&(referer=document.URL)referer=referer.substr(0,700); var rcds = document.getElementById("rcjsload_298017"); var rcel = document.createElement("script"); rcel.id = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); rcel.type = 'text/javascript'; rcel.src = "//trends.revcontent.com/serve.js.php?w=19345&t="+rcel.id+"&c="+(new Date()).getTime()+"&width="+(window.outerWidth )();</script><div class="big_spacer"></div><div class="big_spacer"></div><div id="bottom_ads" class="ad-3 print center image_sharing_exclude cpc-track"></div></footer><div class="spacer"></div></div>

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